Fireproof gunpowder.

Inflatable Anchor

Doctors of Philosophy........ can help those suffering from a bit of Confucious.


This site.

A condom

A Submarine washer.

This is not a good example of critical thinking and applied knowledge, this is a gradient and an image of a dog.

a cupless bra


whatever is behind you

Bacon scented wetsuit


people who get thumbs down

A refrigerated winter coat.

exhaust pipe hamburger griller

A dildo/fleshlight.

Hmm... one day my kinder egg comment had 8 thumbs ups... and now 22 hours later it has at least four red thumbs? Pointless inventions: Haxxoring tools! There was one that kept thumbing my comments down the SECOND I posted them, below a picture! I mean how can someone give me 4 thumbs ups less than a second after I post a comment? Moral: You hiding behind your small tools (pun intended), know that your cheap tricks are useless against the truth... The voice that speaks in all human beings... and the few such as me that say them out loud... hide behind your tools, knowing you are no match for Moral Man!

That shitty game Braid (

A toilet that grabs your poo

A wheel-chair with a magnetic pull to swimming pools

solar powered nightvision

Full scale computer shaped usb flash drive

A barber shop for bald people only.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!