A women that does not make sandwiches

The alarm clock that can do different types of farts as its alarm.

Covered Airports

Vagina-scented pads.

Water Proof Fire

Sorry, our servers are being derpy right now. Try to refresh the page, or check out some of our other sites. Moral the hambargar: WAM WAM WOOO! Especially the "right now" part, this HorseSHlT network is more broken than my mothers brain.


Your penis.

Dehydrated water - just add water.

Angry birds

justin bieber

nuclear for wars when we can use it for peace

Your Face!

pointles machine that makes pointles machines that makes pointles machines that makes pointles machines thats pointless

A collander spoon.

ios6 maps

gay people

baby making condoms

amnesty international

My Mom

Lime green firetrucks.

learning other languages because the foreigners should learn English if they want to live in the United States Of America

A one ended stick...

fireproof matches

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!