Flammable Fire Extinguisher

Window Screens for Submarines

Black Light

A signer for a ventriloquist

A trusty boomerrang sword

Wooden Barbeque

Helmet that lets you know when you hit your head

One sided teeter totter Pepper scented tissue

Pencil duller Like a pencil sharpener but it just dulls

Leon lives in a small, carboard box. He scavenges for food daily, and has to face the cold weather without suitable clothes. Leon, is therefore a... Tramp. ( I Never said which Leon ) =D

Commercial file sharing software

Solar powered flashlight.

Kosher prostitute

Microsoft :(

Justin Beiber- Because this should really stand at least two times under each other at the top.

Google +

Flame Retardant Barbeque Pit


A environment friendly sun-charging remote control that takes too long to charge for each channel in order to channel surf during the commercials. Moral: Screw the rainforest! All three remaining trees of it!

Pepper hankerchiefs.

What do you call a wolf that hasn't eaten? A hungry wolf.

bryans face

Donald Trumps small loan of a million dollars

Strap-ons for women

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!