A box with holes.

wake up calls in hospital to give you something to help you sleep when you were already sleeping!

Gluten free wheat- The perfect invention for people with Gluten Allergies!

Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black merged together

Terms of Service

Terms Of Service

A dikc, which is a dick with the bell end cut off and sewn on backwards. No good for sex but stops that nasty masterbating...forever. don't play with yer dikc!

Electric sundial

Solar-powered night light

Rebecca Black.


Electric chickens.

Giant Tweezers

an athiest bible

braille on ATM machines.

Michael Vick jersey for dogs

Rebrella Umbrella but gets you twice as wet.

The I-Phone 5

Hairspray filled fire extinguishers.

a polar bear colouring book

Just a single Power Scouter. "VEGETA WHAT IS HIS POWER LEVE.." "For the over 9000th time! GET YOUR OWN FUCKING SCOUTEEEEEEEEEER!"

miley cyrus justin bieber jonas brothers rebecca black twilight high school musical

Invisible Ink

invisable paint

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!