- Phoneless Wire

A cloning machine that only does one body part at a time.

the ability to talk to deaf Caterpillars

Those spots that float around in our eyes

A solar flashlight.

A vacuum cleaner that can pick up 3 bowling balls

an invisable house!

From this day on, I promise to stop signing my texts with. Moral: Lies! THE MORAL IS A LIE! (Ps: I WILL SIGN THEM HARDER THAN EVER!)

a flashlight that only works on day

A glass Iphone case.

A book In which teaching blind people to read


chest hair extensions for women

I came up with a "ASS HOLE FOR A HOBBY HORSE "

Easy Rip Condoms. Makes Baby Making Easy.

water flavored water

A book on books

The Game

A chair and desk with telescopic supports. But if one's height is changed, so is the other.

Steel-plated ballet shoes

Solar powered headlights.

Why did Sally fall off the swing? She had no arms Knock knock, who's there? Not Sally.

Chocolate-flavoured breast milk...........actually....

color blind bomb rigger

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!