Decaf 5hour energy shots.

Foreskin cleaner for Jews.

Steve Jobs,why did cry for him? did he gave you Iphone?

a hitler action figure

An app to find you're phone.

Harry styles

Bottomless pockets

Diet water


a boomerang that doesn't come back

toilet that doesnt flush.

llama font (google it & you'll see)

a suitcase to hold your suitcase

Lv. 100 Magikarp.

a button that mutes people

Balding kit! Feel like you have too much of that flowy wavy hair? USE THE BALDING KIT! Simply use these pills for two days, and BAM! You are bald forever! Its a known fact that over 20 percent of women find bald men sexy! (which is lower than id like) Special womans edition available! IT is a known fact that bald women freak me out... Moral: Its official I am 30 and am losing hair like it was never there to begin with... While the rest of my body is turning into fucking Hugh Jackman... (that part is fine, but could some of that beefy hair go back to my head? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL Z!)

Bean-flavored tofu.



Thomas Oliver and everything he likes to do

Inflatable dartboards.

A circle

cordless extension cord

colander soup spoon

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!