waterproof water bottles

ipad 1

a white school bus with an sign saying "Free Candy"

brakes for airplanes


An analogue clock without hands.

book to learn to read

chocolate toothpaste

A knuckle KNIFE with a folding blade. You know: you put your hand in it, then forget your fingers are in it, then try to close the blade. This makes the blade slash your fingers! [This is a REAL invention, by the way].

Solar powered flashlight.

different types of screwdriver --- + Different types of lightbulb fittings. different sizers and shapes of charger cigs minidisks the SPORTS font

a bunker with glass doors

Censored porn

Weapons for toddlers

Vevo (youtube users kno wuts up)

this website

From this day on, I promise to stop signing my texts with. Moral: Lies! THE MORAL IS A LIE! (Ps: I WILL SIGN THEM HARDER THAN EVER!)

A gas powered gas mask

invisible dildo

A toothbrush with a normal head at one end and a handy, built-in toothpaste dispenser on the other. 2-in-1: a marketing dream...

Chocolate flavored chocolate

country restrictions for buying digital products. no wonder piracy prevails.

Toilet paper sheets that don't line up properly

that whole human being that is stuck to a pussy

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!