A book on books


colander soup spoon

A hair dryer that explodes when it's near wet hair

a book on how to fly.

charcoal operated battery electric-powered generator LPG operated cellphone human-powered helicopter

A Store inside a store that sells 3 stores with 2 stores in each store and in those 2 stores there 5 stores in that store. Thats 1 Store =)

Scrabble- letters not included

Free products for only 2 payments of 19.99

Black highlighter.

Flaming ice cubes.

Shatter-prone Rulers

A back pocket in your undies.

decorative candles

Mit Romney

"Melody from badger badger" Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos! ASSHOLE ASSHOLES! Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos! ASSHOLE ASSHOLES! GAYYYYYS OOOOOH GAAAAAAAYS NOOO A GAAAAAAAAAAAY! Moral: Nothing against homosexuals, this is just my straight sense of humor XD

UFC-Themed anal douche kit.

underwater toaster

a rainbow without children to smile at it

Spoon with a hole in the middle


Scientific notation.

One direction.

wooden fire places

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!