
cars for women


Satanism, AND atheism

???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? DINKLEBERG!!!

Drawings on toilet paper

Inflatable dartboard

Second-Rate aka déclassé Mc Donalds for those that cannot afford the... high quality stuff??? Moral: Dadasomethingsong not particularly fond of it!


Non stick glue

I can`t believe its not real shit! Butter. Moral: The HedgeMan

Immoral? You a copycat or my nemesis? Kill myself? Assisted suicide? What are you typing about? No really, I want to know Moral MAN The Friendly R*pist: What would the point behind killing the most pointless man in the world be? And dont lie to me son! Justin Bibgirl might grow a pair one day, but he will never become a man.

glasses-less mode on youtube 3D

an airbag that inflates 5 minutes after impact

Breathable space suits


Battery operated Battery Changer, Batteries not included.

clowns who do funerals


Solar powered tanning booth.

Fish net condoms.

A shovel with a giant hole in the middle.

Food that can't be digested. That way you can eat it after you shit it out.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!