A solid Straw.

colorless crayons.

A car with triangular prism wheels

A dictionary with misspelled words

Flaming ice cubes.

A trusty shotgun poop parrot

Convertible condoms

A one piece jigsaw puzzle.

A woman's vocal chords. Was gonna say mouth but..

Hot Ice cream

"Melody from badger badger" Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos! ASSHOLE ASSHOLES! Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos Homos! ASSHOLE ASSHOLES! GAYYYYYS OOOOOH GAAAAAAAYS NOOO A GAAAAAAAAAAAY! Moral: Nothing against homosexuals, this is just my straight sense of humor XD

Scrabble- letters not included

Satanism, AND atheism

Clear Paint


Me! :D Moral: You cant disagree you feck! You voted

People who make fun of you at kids school for having a big d1ck... Moral: Pff mine just grew a bit faster that`s all... Sheesh had I known back THEN that it was a good thing...

The red thumbs down butTEN!

One direction.


Horsehead network

seatless toilet

A black guy with a job.

A computer that teaches you how to use an computer

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!