Do not a lot of money to buy a house? You should not worry, just because it's achievable to get the personal loans to resolve such problems. Thus get a credit loan to buy everything you require.

A box that is self conscious and wishes it wasn't a box

Wheelchair with pedals.

a high tech device that lets you read this sentence


samba and brazilian carnival .....i'am brazillian and i can tell that it realy sucks nobody wants to hear samba its is just noise like funk ¬¬' (don't bother about the bad english here i'am one of the best's)

people saying reem

Plastic food

people not speaking ENGLISH in AMERICA!!


Scentless Incense

A backpack that could only hold one thing

Sorry, our servers are being derpy right now. Try to refresh the page, or check out some of our other sites. Moral the hambargar: WAM WAM WOOO! Especially the "right now" part, this HorseSHlT network is more broken than my mothers brain.

social network that is unable to send a friend request...XD

Air in a can.

origami safes

This website...



braille on restroom doors

A shoe


Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!