Non-stick glue

decaffeinated coffee

soap cleaner


Gender specific port-a-potties

Grammatically incorrect 'filler' phrases and cliched words: 1. kinda like 2. sort of (pronounced sud'v) 3. You know (pronounce y'know) 4. I'm like.... 5. Weird Can often be heard uttered by ignoramuses in one sentence. ie: "I'm like 'hello'?. It was kind-a-like, sort of... weird...... y'know what I mean?

army barracks with automatic doors

a computer with no key board or touch screen or voice activation you have to wet it to turn it on sadly it will break

Chase Baker.

a DVD rewinder

A coupon for scissors that you have to cut out.


Powdered gas


A social networking app, on the Facebook App centre

The film "Never Say Never"

Inflatable dart board

An airbag

sign language keyboard

Time Machine that goes to the present

Exploding ice cream

dehydrated water

Braille on Drive-Thru menu boards

Powdered air. Just add water to get absolutely nothing.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!