Your dick.

Pointless Inventions

The Kardashians...well except kim booty other then her booty is pointless

Dissolving Condoms

Censored porn

A black highlighter


Alcohol that makes you sober.

A knuckle KNIFE with a folding blade. You know: you put your hand in it, then forget your fingers are in it, then try to close the blade. This makes the blade slash your fingers! [This is a REAL invention, by the way].

Cyanide-coated condoms

Flavored Condoms

A golf ball with camo paint.

Book for blinds.

the Tinman's "heart" (it was just a clock)

a curved straight line

Powdered water. Just add water.

Steam powered dehumidifier

The white colored pencil.

a machine that keeps downing on Justin Beiber constantly due to inability to think of anything ACTUALLY funny

Solar-powered night light

Self-eating chips

The add saying: What is scientology? Find out for yourself. Aka we wont tell you so dont click here.


Battery powerd battery charger.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!