Donald Trumps small loan of a million dollars

An interactive clock with arms and legs and also a top hat as well that walked like a human and followed you around throughout your day of activities and screeched the time every .8 minutes

Training wheels for submarine

silent alarm clock.

a book on how to be stupid.

hydro-electric computer

learning other languages because the foreigners should learn English if they want to live in the United States Of America

Lime green firetrucks.

Your penis.

A one ended stick...

a door that dose not open

soy flavored steaks, for those vegetarians who just can't stick with it!

curry flavored deodorant

Commercial file sharing software

Half turkey, half Turkish man.

Clothes. Simply Clothes.

Medicine-flavored candy

A book on how to be popular. Step 1: Burn this book.

My Mom

Strap-ons for women

Kosher prostitute

The words to the right that know when a virus is using the site because the virus can't read the squiggly letters. I guess I'm a virus.

Just a single Power Scouter. "VEGETA WHAT IS HIS POWER LEVE.." "For the over 9000th time! GET YOUR OWN FUCKING SCOUTEEEEEEEEEER!"

leg warmers for penguins.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!