Window Screens for Submarines

Black Light

Covered Airports

cucumber wt wipes that smells like jizz

plate holders

justin bieber

A soundproof radio


Milk flavored Beer

What do you call a wolf that hasn't eaten? A hungry wolf.

A collander spoon.

a videogame of you plying GH

When screens have eyes

Hey guys, my GF dumped me, im looking for revenge and i think 4chan is the best way. Here are all the pics of her. Have fun!

ASUS TAICHI 21: dual screen notebook, except that you do not both screens at the same time.

The Annoying Orange -Heeeeeeey, Apppppple!

A environment friendly sun-charging remote control that takes too long to charge for each channel in order to channel surf during the commercials. Moral: Screw the rainforest! All three remaining trees of it!

cigarette flavored candy poop

The worlds' largest functional toenail clippers

An eyedrop which is roll-on.

A time machine that takes two hours to work and sends you one hour back in time. M-M-M-M-MORAL: KILL KILL kill kill kill...

getting sick

a flashlight that only works on day

turn signal on a monorail

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!