Lady Gaga's penis.

an ipod for deaf people

Habanero flavoured suppositories

Petrol That is Made From Cars

The tailbone >:(

One direction

Braille owner's manual for an automobile

Edible Deodorant

Rebecca Black

whats worse than Brussels sprouts brussels sprouts that has petite vegetation, lack of sun causing mold and placed in a septic tank.

Besides ridiculous weak ignorant people... Moral Man is a creation, not a invention. Moral: Foes of mine, know my name and fear it! Supporters of mine, know I speak for us all, however many or few you may be, I fear not say my mind, none shall be left alone in the darkness!

Shampoo based mostly on bacon, excellent for those that want to keep their hair greasy.

brakes on a space shuttle

Fire extinguisher filled with gasoline.

Inflexible trampoline.

Lil Wayne

Soap soap, for cleaning your dirty soap.

Belieber Comments

Ice-cream flavoured ice-cream.

Playstation Move

fly spray that is good for flies

no-contact masseuse

pointless invention sites

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!