Solar Powered Unicorns??

car alarms that only go off when you press the panic button.

An alarm clock for your cats


Braille Clock...

xbox 720 (4 the idiots out there, 360+360=720)

A fat kid with anorexia

Transparent Highlighters

Glow in the Dark Sunglasses

addictive pain reliever

Bill Gates

Windows Vista

the nintendo wii.

a time machine that transports you to the present

The American Health Care System

a fan that makes the room warmer



Pff... you think that is going to make a difference mr haxor? I mean come on! Who else can possibly reach to give me that many thumbs downs in so little time... Moral: Hahahahahaha! Take it easy bro! All I am doing is having fun! But... if your way of having fun is doing this... then I pity you... take care buddy, because you really need that, and I know that there cannot be many of you, since my comments are as previously mentioned given 4 minus thumbs (at least), under 30 seconds... Just, take care, and if this helps you cope with your problems, go ahead, its fine, I mean if you seek pity, you have plenty now.


Inflatable Boobs

Apple Mac computers

Liberals - worse than useless.

invisible poster

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!