Solar powered flashlight

porcelain contact lens

A machine that brings you one second into the future.

A country-border protection system that is so effective that not even a hang-glider can pass trough without getting shot, yet which allows three fucking jumbo jets filled with terrorists and victims to pass trough and start a war that... Nuff said.

Space scented air

How to stop reading books compulsively: Book one of 9001.

Spoon with a hole in the middle

Those "words" in the box you have to type in order to make a comment....

Porn used only for educational purposes... ONLY.


Condoms that come precoated with syphilis

Light that travels at the speed of darkness.

A windshield froster (as opposed to a defroster)

auto starting logs They catch fire automatically. but you dont know when

Online dating for amish people.

a coupon for scissors that needs to be cut out

Horsehead Network

flightless airplane

People like you...oh wait, it's already invented!

a white school bus with an sign saying "Free Candy"

A chocolate teapot.

C0ck flavored popsicles

The airstuard's who direct you to your seat. You've seen planes right? sort-of.. long tube things. They go from 1 to however long the plane is, but you need directions. ( Quote from Michael Macintrye FTW? ) XD

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!