selena gomez

High heels that are like shoes

Reading Plus.

Doctors of Philosophy........ can help those suffering from a bit of Confucious.

that shave the bieber in 5 clicks pop up... lol joke best invetionn ever. espesialy when you get 2 on the same web page!!!!!


winrar installation in .rar file

Redbox. It killed Blockbuster.

Marathon runs for town guards that took an arrow to the knee. Moral: Only those that used to be ex-adventurers like you may apply.

an infinite resource maker fust put watever you want on one side the same thing comes out repeat

Apple, and anything Apple. Way overrated and overpriced and you cant do a lot with them.

Q: Whats worse than a dead baby in a bag? A: Please just make my hamburger.

The white crayon, marker or colored pencil.

Water-proof fire

An instant movie maker that makes movies with all the actors being Nicholas Cage



insurance companies

muscle heads, body builders

an octohorse (octopus+horse) iv seen plenty

Motionless escalator


Flavored toilet paper

Tumble dryer that cant come into contact with water

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!