
a book one how to read for people who can't read

un-freezable ice

Chocolate teapots.

Earphones that only work when you've muted the sound.

decaf 5 hour energy

oranges that sing showtunes in the moonlight every 6th friday of the month

The white crayon, marker or colored pencil.

A solar powered flashight

an invisible stop sign

a giant iphone that cant make calls or fit in your pocket (ipad)

Everything except Mnt Dew, Doritos, and pizza

that shave the bieber in 5 clicks pop up... lol joke best invetionn ever. espesialy when you get 2 on the same web page!!!!!

A sword that melts in combat

Sandwiches for dead people

Wind-powered fan.

Glow-In-The-Dark Lightbulbs.

clothes for animals

vaccum sealed oxygen tank

Pointless Inventions inside the Horsehead Network

A fence to keep mexicans out

A Store inside a store that sells 3 stores with 2 stores in each store and in those 2 stores there 5 stores in that store. Thats 1 Store =)


canned bread

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!