This website

People who complain they didnt get any likes on their comment when they didnt like it either.

chocolate toothpaste

a circle


An apple-making factory.

Non-toxic insect killer

A windshield froster (as opposed to a defroster)

Disolvable condoms.


Terms and conditions.FTW no1 reads them

the wheel

A beeper to find your cell phone when you lose it

store brand batteries

A leadless lead pencil

One direction

A rain jacket made of shamwow

Tissues that don't clean up seman

Non-Stick Glue

super-glue for eyelids.

different types of screwdriver --- + Different types of lightbulb fittings. different sizers and shapes of charger cigs minidisks the SPORTS font

Censored Porn


Popcorn, the kind that you have to put in a fucking put, and then add oil into it, and stir it around like a fucking idiot for like an hour because your childhood fuckbuddy you actually never banged, does not believe in the kind of popcorn that you just put in the microwave...

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!