Music for the deaf.


The Bible

Black japanese people

A time machine that can only move forward at normal speed

Obamacare act

50 shades of grew e.g. porn.

This site, but is Fun!!!!!

Disappearing toilet paper after use.

decorative candles

Self-eating bacon.

the jerk who made the anti-Islamic film people like him should fall of the Earth theres no room in this world for such hate and bigotry.

invisible condoms

A site that censors the word homo... damn not only does it seem like they hate homo sexuals, but arent we all homo sapies or something?

A holiday where we paint eggs and pretend that a giant rabbit will give us chocolate because Jesus died.

Bison`s ass

a book for the blind

medications with side-effects.


Satanism, AND atheism

swiss cheese condom

An invention on

The power to eat shith and die. Moral: Yet in your cause seeker, it is most useful, yes I am being personal.

A machine that both reads pointless inventions and comes up with new ones

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!