A social networking app, on the Facebook App centre

I can`t believe its not sh*t flavored brown butter... Moral: It made me laugh XD Still just read it in some skinny black guy`s voice with an attitude.

Full scale computer shaped usb flash drive

army barracks with automatic doors

invisible statue

a cupless bra

a TV with no screen

Insectasteroid. Grows insects fast!!

Exploding ice cream

Day-vision sunglasses.

The Clap On and the Clap On Plus

Ghost pepper flavored milk.

Powdered air. Just add water to get absolutely nothing.

No Freeware works as advertised.

Terms of Service on a website


WHAT? I AM GETTING GREEN THUMBS? HERESY! BLASPHEMY! Moral: Oh sorry, I keep mistaking these horsehead network for "the pointless comment section"

Australian French Fries

invisible necklace

Solar powered night vision goggles



A locking system that locks an entire building to prevent people from escaping, but only when there's a fire.


Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!