
Submarine openable sunroof



left handed steering wheels.

A raincoat material towel


New rhythmic gymnastics item: 16lb bowling balls

womens rights

Taco Bell "money savers edition" Eh? El containo el real meato de burro hay hay hay! y el Chiguagua ay au au au mata no! No el Afraido of el tryo el meato de misterio! AYAYAYAYAY! Not even we knows who it is! Dog, Donkey, "accidental", fresh wild cat straight from the streets, what more can you wish for (with your salary eh? Know what I mean?) dog-crap for the children, they wont notice, its the same shit everyone gets at McDonalds anyways! I mean okay they serve horsecrap but whats the difference anyways? Morales: Chicken of the cave and chicken of the ground available at half price if you have watched a certain sequAl.

School for teachers

An audiobook that teaches one sign language.

High fives because SOME PEOPLE in america have no hands.

book to learn to read

a torch for blind people.

White Crayons.

A lightbulb that only turns on when you're looking straight at it

Pop music.

Jesus from Nazareth:The turn based strategy game Xbox exclusive.

Your dick.

Microsoft Windows


A website for the blind.

The Kardashians...well except kim booty other then her booty is pointless

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!