An electricity powered generator

Q: Whats worse than a dead baby in a bag? A: Please just make my hamburger.

A "buy one get one free" coupon for something that's free.

sign language keyboard

Striped paint.

Braille on Drive-Thru menu boards



Penut butter on a pesticide mouse trap

DVD rewinder

garlic-scented perfume

Solar powered torch


Allergenic pills

llama font (google it & you'll see)

clothes for dogs... they're animals, not dolls!!

Sliced Bread

Justin Bieber Blow-Up Doll

screendoor on the spaceshuttle


Guy: I want you for much more than just sex baby, I mean in fact I dont even want you for it unless you want! Girl: Really? Uh, why? Guy: I can suck my own turkey. Moral: Ugh... Geeks and Yoga, kill em with Yoga fire (you relax, go into a deep state of mind, and then apparently you yell it while blowing outwards, the details are a bit fuzzy)

The View

Porn used only for educational purposes... ONLY.

All-natural arsenic-flavored food

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!