I... And MY NAME.... IS THE MOST FUCKlNG THUMBED UP COMMENT ON HORSEHEAD NETWORK! friendly r*pist neighbourhood Moral Man: And what are you going to do about it? Thumb this down like the shemale you are? Shemale or not, I will r*pe you and your mother...Its not about the sex, its about the domination, prove that you ARE MY BlTCH! Moral Man: The only one that can destroy internet censors... Because Moral Man...


A "buy one get one free" coupon for something that's free.

Gender specific port-a-potties

heavy feathers -jesse

An air shampooer.

The show Naked and Afriad being sensored

invisible necklace

Whoever is reading this

quiet alarm clock.

¿Es el FBI? Es que me estaba bajando una pelicula

Seedless sunflower seeds

a bathing suit that attracts great white sharks.

An asshole on your ellbow.

Michael Vick jersey for dogs

99,981 and a HALF PERCENT of all comments here.

Pens that can write underwater

Cold Saunas

Microsoft paint

Create your own Human-Botfly

Powdered Water: Just add water.

Friends....(the show)

A kitchen for men

A phone that sends an electric jolt to your crotch to signal incoming texts. This feature is permanant.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!