women out of the kitchen

Sunglasses with rainwhipers.

A raincoat material towel

Solar powered torch

colander soup spoon

swiss cheese condom

DVD rewinder

Child locks on medicines

Taking family photos of people in burkhas -

Bagels, we have donuts.

"Insert coin": The game Arcade edition! Just insert the money and leave right away, saves up to several hours of stressing gameplay! Its not like you are getting the money back you know! Moral: Reminds me of a arcade hall I saw in Chile once, only one cabinet had a screen, but no working "game tokens" receiver :P, they also had a ping pong board with no ball, no idea why the hell the place was even open at all XP

Trees with clear leaves

a time machine that transports you to the present

Cold Hot tub

A detailed essay in the language this sentence is in, telling one how to speak English.

A screen door on a submarine

a music channel that doesnt play music

steel toed flip-flops


silent music documentaries (unless it's a music documentry about One Direction, then actually it would be a great invention)

fat people


Unscented Perfume

homework that doesnt complete itself

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!