Black Chalk

Woman's Right

Screen door on a submarine.

An invisible cellphone

key without the bumps

a water resistant towel

40-inch Wi-Fi cord

Snuggie. It's just a backwards robe.

:D Hahahahahahaha! Thumb me down already, helps me keep count on how many people without guts there are out there, and so far I am surprised at how few pieces of shit there are out there... it cant be right, there has to be more! So keep thumbing down so I can keep count of you. ;) Moral: Another victory this day, moral man wins anyway, so the day I dont get my way? Pray...

Non-flammable gas

Censored pron

Invisible ad!

Uranium that tastes like cheese.

Floor cleaner made of dirt

A mouse with a trackpad attached to the top.

"A poopy flavored lollipop"

Vacuum sealed dust-mask.

unsinkable submarine... ftw??

Cardboard Bullets

rubber staples

Self-inflatable earphones that cancel noise in the wrong way.


a wheelchair with pedals(sorry for bad english)

Your Mother

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!