A secretary goldfish

white slaves

Stab proof knife

Too Easy!...It's Here: Timer Lipstick Timer Foundation Bullet Proof Whip Hair-Made by willow smith Tron Boots Ballpen Catcher Plasma Glasses-Like Cyclops Rocket Gum Shotgun Shoulder Bag Rocket Bag

transparent underwears

he power to transform all the physics laws into Murphy's laws

Flammable water

captcha in braille

A video game on how to play video games.

Fire alarm with silencer

A round object. Pointless.

Indoor Tent


Solar powered flashlight.

submarine with wheels

a boat with a plug-hole.

A Capcom device that tells you when new Megaman games come out. Moral: Never.

From this day on, I promise to stop signing my texts with. Moral: Lies! THE MORAL IS A LIE! (Ps: I WILL SIGN THEM HARDER THAN EVER!)

the road-boat

A machine that can turn anything into air as long as the original object was air.

American Idol on DVD

free stuff that costs money

alex diment.


Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!