An eyedrop which is roll-on.

Flammable Fire Extinguisher

A signer for a ventriloquist

Solar powered flashlight.

Albino Black People

BO smelling deodorant

getting sick

a flashlight that only works on day

turn signal on a monorail

bryans face

Dehydrated water

bottle mouths that snap on top of aluminum cans.

A women that does not make sandwiches

a list of pointless inventions

justin bieber the video game

Helmet that lets you know when you hit your head

Sorry, our servers are being derpy right now. Try to refresh the page, or check out some of our other sites. Moral the hambargar: WAM WAM WOOO! Especially the "right now" part, this HorseSHlT network is more broken than my mothers brain.

helicopter ejector seat

your mom's blue waffles

pointless inventions

Leon lives in a small, carboard box. He scavenges for food daily, and has to face the cold weather without suitable clothes. Leon, is therefore a... Tramp. ( I Never said which Leon ) =D

Pepper hankerchiefs.

A wheel that will engage its breaks if the car rolls more than 5 meters to stop it from rolling away

Women's rights.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!