turn signal on a monorail

Chloroform tissues

A blank website for people who are blind.

jacket that keeps you cold

ios6 maps

Cell phone battery drainer

electricity powered generator

Flammable Fire Extinguisher

An invisible curtain

3d glasses for the blind

Covered Airports


cucumber wt wipes that smells like jizz

Justin Beiber- Because this should really stand at least two times under each other at the top.

Scented Trashbags . TF ?

your mom's blue waffles

A environment friendly sun-charging remote control that takes too long to charge for each channel in order to channel surf during the commercials. Moral: Screw the rainforest! All three remaining trees of it!

Leon lives in a small, carboard box. He scavenges for food daily, and has to face the cold weather without suitable clothes. Leon, is therefore a... Tramp. ( I Never said which Leon ) =D

Milk flavored Beer

A wheel that will engage its breaks if the car rolls more than 5 meters to stop it from rolling away

Sarcasm (*sarcasm)

gay people

Dehydrated water

An interactive clock with arms and legs and also a top hat as well that walked like a human and followed you around throughout your day of activities and screeched the time every .8 minutes

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!