amnesty international

A finger up a tin man's backside/ass

educational video games

A trusty boomerrang sword

A web site to download internet

Clapper lights for concert halls

A sign that says: watch out for this sign!

A book on how to read does not need to contain text morons, it can contain enough images to help you figure out how to read! And THAT you vote up with the top ten? Moral: Your source of awesome wisdom, handsomness, epicness, and YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!

DVD rewinder

paper spaceship

electricity powered generator


The Human Centipede

The game © db

Cell phone battery drainer

Mood rings used to describe how you feel, only after you've been hit by a bus.

a book on how to use chopsticks

Jalapeño flavored milk

The alarm clock that can do different types of farts as its alarm.

Socks for your nose.

A time machine that takes two hours to work and sends you one hour back in time. M-M-M-M-MORAL: KILL KILL kill kill kill...

restarting progress bars.

A soundproof radio

Your Face!

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!