S**t flavored toothpaste.

A signer for a ventriloquist

Non-drowsy sleeping pills.

a non-cool miles davis


The iPad.

Poisonous Apples

battery powerd battery

Rebecca Black.

plate holders

hard chewing gum

A book on how to read does not need to contain text morons, it can contain enough images to help you figure out how to read! And THAT you vote up with the top ten? Moral: Your source of awesome wisdom, handsomness, epicness, and YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!

pointles machine that makes pointles machines that makes pointles machines that makes pointles machines thats pointless

Mood rings used to describe how you feel, only after you've been hit by a bus.

cigarette flavored candy poop

Dehydrated water

Socks for your nose.

Microwave-safe ice cube tray

learning other languages because the foreigners should learn English if they want to live in the United States Of America

Electric sundial

glass prison cells

A solar-powered flash light.

Pepper hankerchiefs.

A blank website for people who are blind.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!