Wooden dildos

Self Destructing Boomarang

The Gooch

A waterproof bathing suit

the mcdouble


Are you tired of money clogging up your wallet and weighing your pockets down? Introducing your kids!

Gluten free flower.

Day-Vision Goggles.

We present our brand new Bacon taste and smell removal kit! For those of you that LOVE BACON but just cannot stand that horrible smell, or that horrible taste! Buy now and we include a BACON HEALTHY NUTRIENT REMOVAL KIT! Just push the strips trough the container, and BOOM PURE UNHEALTHY GREASE! Never feel left out just because you life in god old FAT America ever again! Moral: I eat bacon for breakfast every day, and I am lean, what the fuck is your excuse mr.America?

Flame-retardant coal.

Double Post.

Non-drowsy sleeping pills.

S**t flavored toothpaste.

the cross


Inedible Pancakes

Poisonous Apples

Directionators. (fake fans of One Direction)

Your mom.

20 minute instant noodles

your mom

A keyboard with an "Any key" button.

Belief in atheism

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!