*This pointless invention has been blocked by the cyber police* ... stupid bitch. -.-

condoms with air vents

A picture frame framing a picture frame.

Yo I'ma let you finish but Pointless superpowers is the best text-based horsehead huffer website

the worlds biggest anything


a helicopter without propellers

Rebecca Black.

a lightbulb that only lights up ideas worth looking at

The truth hurts Thomas, the truth hurts

a support group addict support group

BO flavored deoderant


CCTV Footages that are too blurry to make out but are still used to try to find the culprits

the bacon eater (why let a machine do what you can do yourself)

Redux: A time machine that takes two hours to activate and sends you one hour back in time. C-C-C-C-COMBO Moral:!!!!

Perforated condom

A DVD-rewinder.

Solar powered flashlight

ur mom

the pope

football bat

un pendrive que borre la informacion

Credits at the end of a movie... we don't read them .

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!