yo mama

Anti-homosexuality protests. Seriously what the hell they expect to achieve? Moral: NO MORE GAYS! NO MORE GAYS! GOD HATES GAYS! Ehem... Any of this doing anything at all except ruining our reputation and possibly lives? No? Well I am tired... Same time next year? Well that's a date then! No homo!

Edible toilet paper

solar powered flash light

Why did Sally fall off the swing? She had no arms Knock knock, who's there? Not Sally.

Ugly Girls & Fat Girls

Fat Free Bacon.

Cordless Guitar


websites like this

Blenders. If you know what i mean.

Corn dispenser

The 'share to facebook' button on Porn websites.

A book with the title: Read this when you're dead


Reusable Condoms (Just turn Inside-out)

Unsweetened Sugar

clothes for women

a biggest ipod touch...oh wait.

Solar Powered Flash Light

MP3 Players for deaf people.

condom-flavored fruits

Soap on a rope.

publishers and record labels. at least eventually, smarter ways of selling would allow authors and artists to be paid directly.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!