You: Fail at life, work and Internet.

A microscopic "mega scope" that makes visible things microscopic.


Ice Cream Toaster!!

Cordless Guitar

A DVD rewinder.

Spermless Penis Eg Justin Bieber , Lord Of Fake Penis'

Reflective window


Cold Hot tub

Auto correct that changes lightbulb to lighbulb!

Concrete floaties... x)

A story written without dot's , POINT-LESS you get it?

powdered water. just add water.

Anti-homosexuality protests. Seriously what the hell they expect to achieve? Moral: NO MORE GAYS! NO MORE GAYS! GOD HATES GAYS! Ehem... Any of this doing anything at all except ruining our reputation and possibly lives? No? Well I am tired... Same time next year? Well that's a date then! No homo!

Invisible clothes.


A door in kitchen, so a woman can walk out whenever she wants...

Roll-on Eyedrops

condom-flavored fruits

Reusable Condoms (Just turn Inside-out)

The spork, I have a spoon and a fork and they only take 5 seconds to wash.

Inflammable Petrol

Jersey Shore.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!