eyeglasses with funnels to aid you in droppind eyedrops

Shorts called pants.

ME! Moral: I see why I am more useful than a square wheel though, because I keep on rollin even though people are hatin. On a second thought I hardly see how that makes me more useful... FUUUUUUUUUUUU...

A silencer for tanks...

Unsweetened Sugar

a plane that puts the people in the cargo area and puts baggages in the passanger sheets

Left Handed Pens

a left handed screw driver

Reality shows

a website on how to browse the internet.

open-bottom bag

a machine that finds a cure for AIDS but then quickly destroys the medicine.

The little thing at the back of your mouth that nobody knows the name of.

i need sex

a time machine that places you five seconds into the future.

horsehead network

A woman that has made a big contribution to society. Oh wait.......

Screen door on a submarine.



Cliff hangers during the show.

parachuting bunnys

A broken pencil

A chocolate teapot

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!