Manually operated airbags

justin bieber...

A pocket-watch that recorded the temperature of your pocket and announced it every 30 minutes.

Peanut free Peanut butter


Submarine windshield wiper

Rap music.

explosive cigarettes

A warning alarm that tells you to "Stay Calm".

Paper Umbrella

having a cell phone with access to your favourite social networking pages that you use to keep in touch with the same people on your cell phone

solar powered flashlight


A hammer sharpener

Music TeleVision we could market it as M-...TV... And then never actually play music... MMWWAA..HA..HA..HA..HA

A learning sign language book written in braille.

eject button on a remote, still need to get up and change the disc


Invisible Ink for the blind.



Strap-on vaginas for men. They exist.

A lamp with no bulb, so you can read in the dark.

Powdered water (because we all know water isn't completely pure H2O)

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!