Underwater Basketweaving

jalapeno flavored eye-drops

Never mind, in a moment of weakness I let myself go, NEVAR AGAIN! The day the whole world is against Moral Man, Moral Man will take on the world! Moral: I stand against all from religious Zealots to people that abuse others, I also speak my mind, if that is pointless, then so be it.

motorcycle ashtray

A sphere

Fücking Trolls *cough* moral

Special YouTube for blind people

A machine that gives your car infinite fuel. Just add gasoline for it to work.

Rosie O'donnell

a missile that explodes .5 seconds after being deployed

Commercially available commercials.

Glow in the dark camouflage pants.

Glass-less glasses

that one part of you back you can't scratch.

Using a knife to make a shank

A confession booth made of glass.

A shock collar that shocks again, after everytime it shocks.

invisble chairs -jesse

A solar-powered flashlight.

scissors with blades in the finger holes

A Mexican Robot

A clock that ticks slightly faster than a normal clock

Invisible tattoo ink


Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!