a car that goes nowhere

A sphere

Miniature gasoline generator powered hearing Aid Solar powered tanning machine

Fücking Trolls *cough* moral

that one part of you back you can't scratch.

Using a knife to make a shank

chemical free vacuum

A confession booth made of glass.

Never mind, in a moment of weakness I let myself go, NEVAR AGAIN! The day the whole world is against Moral Man, Moral Man will take on the world! Moral: I stand against all from religious Zealots to people that abuse others, I also speak my mind, if that is pointless, then so be it.

A shock collar that shocks again, after everytime it shocks.

Commercially available commercials.

Glow in the dark camouflage pants.

A solar-powered flashlight.

scissors with blades in the finger holes

Glass-less glasses

A Mexican Robot

jalapeno flavored eye-drops

toilet paper.

a missile that explodes .5 seconds after being deployed

snow leopard

ankle socks for knee high boots


glow in the dark sun glasses :-)

A machine that gives your car infinite fuel. Just add gasoline for it to work.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!