-OK,all now listen to me...all you are going to become a nigga just like me!!! -Are our childreen to become black too? -Yes!!!,even their butts are going to be black!!! -Ohh ,damnit!!! -Hmmm...

pointless inventions

Eatable Packing Peanuts

Appendix....all it can do is possibly explode and kill you.

Censored porn

whitening toothpaste

dead people

whats worse than Brussels sprouts brussels sprouts that has petite vegetation, lack of sun causing mold and placed in a septic tank.

brix shiting machine

MegaVideo 72 MIN Time Limit

christian side hugs.

Fox News

Colouring books... on tape

Steam powered ice bucket

Star Wars: Episode 1

non stick stickytape,it will never catch on!

those witch trials where they dunk you in water and if you die you are innocent but if you live you were a witch

Handicap parkings spots in front of hockey Arenas

the ® symbol

Women who can't make sandwiches

Solar powered lights


Magnetic facial jewellery

Amish Vehicluar Manufacturing Company ?

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!