A rape machine.

1d glasses


An oak frying pan

a hands-free mouse


jag-free comb for bald people

Nut-free Nutella.

Chocolate smelling USB-memory sticks

Wood-powered Fridge

Electric Ladle

2 drive thru windows

ejector seat on a helicopter

Nipple Detector

A movie made for the blind.

Terrycloth sledgehammer

Nerd with giant pingas.

self help audio book for the deaf

Unflammable Matches

MyLifeisTwilight.com. Quit fooling yourself, Twihards, MLIA always wins.

The amazing bacon shampoo, the intellectual nerd with big pingas, and the philosophical "greater levels of suffering" skits are Moral Man originals, so go give them a thumbs ups (unless you already did) Moral: Hahaha I came here to write moral man, but someone else did it before me... I am famous already... yeah... they let me into VIP clubs and Metal Bars and Iron chains and whatever weapon people have at hand... I just ask, can I walk into your Iron bat? And they say "Sure! You are a celebrity after all, who where you again?" Me: Just a horsehead netwo... People: DIE MONSTER! YOU DONT BELONG IN THIS WORLD! Me: What is a man! But a miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk (glass breaks) have at you!

Moral: Writing moral just to catch up for the Kinder post below is just fine. (That you do not see an add here, does mean that there is no add here)

"I am over 18" button in websites

A toaster that toasts location aware and burns location specific facts onto your toast. ( V ) |Toast is | | Illegal | | Here |

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!