
Tits on a nun.

Pens that can write underwater

reusable toilet paper

Trying to spread happiness online. I mean for many of you out there a smile is like lethal poison... But what am I to do? Become one of you to adapt to the internet losers hall of fame? Please... I just need to adjust my sleep from working as a late time bouncer, and Ill be doing something far more productive... Thumb me down haxors... do it hiding, while I am here revealing my true self... and know that I pity you... speaking of lethal poison... let me set you free from your suffering: Moral :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Powdered water

Non-alcoholic vodka

Wartune (you know the game that makes you believe its porn or "everything a man needs?") Moral: Thumb me down if you must, but think about it for a minute or two before you do so...

Pre Soaked Water

Sugar Free Water

the Louie the fly mortein mascot (Seriously if you are selling fly spray that is supposed to work why does he keep coming back?)


2 wheel car

A convertible submarine

Sparkling Vampires. Because that's really what happens to vampires in the son

Batery powered batery charger

pubic hair

1 pronged fork and copper napkins

Bristol Palin

Gay Pride parades

Invisible wig

Solar powered car.(yes people actualy want this the problem is you cant drive at night.)

Heated ice.

A perfectly generic, steel cube. Magnetized on the bottom so it hovers, and the top can be used as a small tabletop.

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!