A lock for shops that are open 24 hours a day

oranges that sing showtunes in the moonlight every 6th friday of the month

air guitar tuner

A black highlighter

toliet paper with holes in it :)

De-coffeenated Caffeine

An ultralight origami aircraft

An eject button on a remote

the water proof bracelet

a vibrating sniper rifle


wood carpet

Powdered gas

The film "Never Say Never"

Jacket with air conditioning

The ability to walk as fast as you can run

A cell phone charger that only works when cell phone is fully charged.

Marathon runs for town guards that took an arrow to the knee. Moral: Only those that used to be ex-adventurers like you may apply.

Australian Indoor-Rules Quidditch Sure, great idea to begin with. Might even be fun to play. BUT IT'S POINTLESS IN RETROSPECT, because IT'S A GAME THAT INVOLVES TRYING TO HIT EACH OTHER WITH WOODEN BATS. Seriously.


Solar-Powered Pacemaker

Deez Nutz

Hot-sauce eye drops.

SPAGHETTI so chris doensnt die from shoving it in his arse repeatedly

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!