vanna white, all she does is turn the dam letters. lol.

MORAL MAN MORAL MAN DOES WHATEVER MORAL DONT SWINGS AROUND IN HIS WAY, COMPARED TO HIM YOU ARE ALL GAY WATCH OUT! Watch out for the worlds THIRD most pointless inventiooooooooon! Moral: I did warn you...

Religions & Science

New Olympic swimming event: 100m doggy-paddle

Flashing lights used to allow deaf people to answer the phone

spongebob and twlight

Justin Beiber's sexuality.


Screen doors on a submarine

One direction

.01 inch binder. To keep that paper organized.

Agriculture. nah just jokin.. it was essential to the development of human civilization.

A Black President

Popcorn, the kind that you have to put in a fucking put, and then add oil into it, and stir it around like a fucking idiot for like an hour because your childhood fuckbuddy you actually never banged, does not believe in the kind of popcorn that you just put in the microwave...


NO ALCOHOL BEER....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a solar powered light

A website to say what is pointless!

Xbox 360 because PS3 is better

selena gomez

See Through Shower Curtains.

Pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes

¿Es el FBI? Es que me estaba bajando una pelicula

#1 pencils

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!