shower cap with wholes so your hair can breath!

Purple Onions

"Insert coin": The game Arcade edition! Just insert the money and leave right away, saves up to several hours of stressing gameplay! Its not like you are getting the money back you know! Moral: Reminds me of a arcade hall I saw in Chile once, only one cabinet had a screen, but no working "game tokens" receiver :P, they also had a ping pong board with no ball, no idea why the hell the place was even open at all XP

Scentless air fresheners

invisible dildo

michael smiths 1/1000000" wonder

Barak Obama

Odorless perfume


a portable toilet that comes with free toilet paper and free toilet cleaner, plus an unwanted child

Eating dogs for the Obese

Invisible tattoos

A book In which teaching blind people to read

that whole human being that is stuck to a pussy

The Outdoors.

Anti gravity floors

A bomb proof bomb

Time machine... I mean. Tie machine...I mean. I don't know.

Eight different brands of the same f*cking soda.

Gender specific port-a-potties

All-white Rubik's Cube

Knork (Knife and fork hybrid)

Disolving condoms.

Glow in the dark light bulb

Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!