Non-alcoholic beer.

SNOITNEVNI SSELTNIOP: Special mirrored edition. Moral: But will it blend?


Braille on a drive up ATM...

a machine that keeps downing on Justin Beiber constantly due to inability to think of anything ACTUALLY funny

Skin proof lotion

a air freshener that smells of shit

glee and anything to do with it :L


naw instead of no

Transparent Liquid Paper

A steam powered kettle

women's rights

Waterproof water

Animal Cruelty.

Braille on a drive-thru ATM machine

Solar powered night light.

A device that surfs the web in the palm of your hand, but only when it hooks up to your computer


People who complain about people who submit Justin Bieber as a pointless invention

Atheists. And, by proxy, atheists' opinions on religion.

Superman's Red Underpants

a box shaped contraption, that upon having its switch turned to on, a robotic arm comes out of the box and turns the switch to off.


Pointless Inventions

Sometimes an invention is so useless it's almost hilarious. Check out these pointless inventions and create your own!